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Spiderbeam 12m & 18m fiberglass pole application notes


We will hopefully soon compile a full fledged website with tips how to build vertical antennas with our 40/60 ft poles.
In the meantime you may have a look at the following links and email excerpts... 73 Con DF4SA:







-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [spiderbeam] 4-square for 80m
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 13:58:28 -0000
From: yo3ctk

This is to inform you that a 4-square antenna has been built in YO-land using Spiderbeam materials. This is a first in my country to date.
An article and some photos can be found at: http://www.radioamator.ro/articole/view.php?id=415
Although the article is in Romanian I believe you will get the idea. In case there is enough interest I will translate it into English. There is no revolutionary information therein, but mostly practical notes and a list of materials.
I am very pleased how the antenna works, based on measured parameters, on the air performance and comparison with the old inverted-V.
Thanks to Con that made all this possible.

73 de Mike, YO3CTK
YR7M stationmaster


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Battle Creek Special built with Spiderbeam pole
Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2006 21:26:44 +0200
From: Info [Spiderbeam]

Hi Sasi,
another idea would be the well known wire version of the battle creek special, especially the wire version.
See http://www.ok1rr.com/view.php?cisloclanku=2004122518
DJ8NK has just been on FH Mayotte, using the TX5NK callsign. He used our 18m fiberglass pole with such a wire version of the battle creeks special and was very happy with it! He used two coaxial traps (one for 40m, one for 80m) built with Teflon coax. He reported each of the traps weighed only 200g. The 40m trap was at approx 9m height, the 80m trap was at approx 15m height. Please see attached JPG. The trick is to make the 80m part of the antenna resonant by an inverted "L" stub as well.
Myself I am a fan of coaxial traps as well and have used them successfully before during my 7X2ARA expedition 2003, also building such a battlecreek special, wire version. I am attaching a copy of the PDF report of 7X2ARA trip where you will see such traps. Unfortunately back then we did not yet have the 18m fiberglass pole available :-)
I hope the above gives you an idea how to proceed. I am quite confident the battle creek special would give you good results, without needing a tuner.
I am thinking about putting together a kit with all the necessary parts, but it will take some more time :)
OK so much for today..

73 Con DF4SA

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: another vertical for 30 40 and 80 (and 160)
Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2007 05:45:25 +0000
From: Patrick F6IRF

Hi Con,
Just another application of you fiber masts for a trapless tribander vertical. Have a look and tell me if it is of any interest... it is at http://f6irf.blogspot.com/
73's Patrick


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: 18 meter pole for C31LJ
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2007 10:58:36 +0100
From: Peter Jennings

http://www.benlo.com/ham/spider.html ... Let me know if you have any comments. 73 Peter C31LJ

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Spiderbeam
Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2006 23:57:29 +0100 (GMT Standard Time)
From: John Atherton

Hi Con, a few lines to let you know how I am getting on with the 60ft Spiderbeam. I drove a scaffolding pole into the ground till three ft was sticking out, and then put two swivel clips on. Made a reducer to fit the spiderbeam, then this goes onto the bottom clip so I can walk it up, then into the top clip and that was that. I put four multi stranded insulation wire from the feed point to the top and solder. The wires are spaced more or less evenly around the perimeter of the mast, they are held to the mast with insulation tape. I can tune both CW and DX-SSB (3.5-3.8mhz) portions of the band with under 1.4. The antenna is resonant 3.700. I have work VK W0 ZS with no prob. I think you will do well with the 60ft I have recommended it to a lot of hams, G3SED GI0HWO GW4RIB WW1WW, and a lot more. I can put it up and down in minutes. All the best de John G3WWM.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 160&80
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2006 00:33:12 +0100 (GMT Standard Time)
From: John Atherton

The 60ft Spiderbeam for 160 and 80. A 180ft inverted-L this aerial functions as 3/4 wavelength self-resonant aerial on 80 band, and as a tuned 3/8 wavelength aerial on 160 band. Low band resonance is established by adjustment of tuning capacitor. High band resonance is established by trimming length of wire section. Capacitor is 250 pF, 2 kv (Johnson 154-1 or equivalent ). Separate radial ground wires are required for each band. I use 24SWG attached to the top, and slopes to a distant point to make a the sloping part of the antenna, onto a 7ft pole. The photo is the capacitor in the shed with motor which I control from the shack, I use this on 160. I hope you like the idea Con it works brilliant, de John G3WWM. http://www.g3wwm.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/dx6.htm

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