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160m Wire Vertical kit for 18m fiberglass pole
160m Wire Vertical kit for 18m fiberglass pole

This complete kit contains all needed parts for building an effective 160m wire vertical on our 18m fiberglass pole.
This is a lightweight but robust design ideal for portable or permanent usage.
Power rating 1500W continuously.

The kit contains all parts without the 18m fiberglass pole.
If you want a kit including the pole, please click here.

Download the free construction guide (pdf) for building this antenna here

Parts List:
20m   CQ-532 antenna wire (AWG 18) for building the vertical radiator wire
62m   UL-wire / Liv-2Yz (armid synthetic fibre and copper strands, Insulated) for building the 4 top capacitance hat wires
100m  roll PVDF Monofil for guying the 4 top hat wires
14 x  Insulators
1x     Radial Connection Box
0.5m  Heat shrink tube 6/2mm
5m    Kevlar rope (1mm diameter)
25x   100x2.5mm UV resistant cable ties
5x    300x4.8mm UV resistant cable ties

Disponible dés maintenant sur shop.spiderbeam.com »
301: Vous pouvez trouver ce produit ici dans la nouvelle boutique - https://shop.spiderbeam.com/en/shop/160m-wire-vertical-kit-for-18m-fiberglass-pole-1609 »

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