Since the first release of Version 1 in April 2003, over 1500 spiderbeam kits have been shipped worldwide. Roughly estimated, the same number of homemade spiderbeam copies have been built individually, making a total of at least 3000 antennas on the air.
I think we have the "SPIDERBEAM DXCC" completed long already (Spiderbeams active in more than 100 countries) and are still collecting... Your pictures and user reports are very much appreciated, especially from countries not yet shown in the gallery below...
Read what other users say. Click the pictures to enlarge.
Expedition to 5R8 by Moïse LAMAILLE, F4EZG
5T0JL +++ Mauritania +++ October 2016
Dear Friends, Please find herewith enclosed (must be ! It's a spider...) a shot of the new acarian sitting on top of my apartment...4 S points difference roughly when switching back to the vertical dipole GP7 from Poland ! Testing it's 4 elements on 28Mhz this afternoon was just a dream...!!
5W0KE +++ Western Samoa +++ April 2004
Expedition to 5W0 and KH8 by DF2SS and DL1VKE Equipped with our first working prototype of 5-band Spiderbeam (20-17-15-12-10m)
6W/ON5TN +++ Senegal +++ December 2003
... used the spiderbeam on my one-man dxpedition to 6W and was very happy. It is a very nice design and easy to assemble. I am determined to make another one for the WARC bands in the future ...
7Q7BP +++ Malawi +++ July 2003
... just to let you know that on Tuesday afternoon we finally managed to get the Spider Beam up on top of the 45 foot tower, and it seems to be working really, really well, so I am very pleased ...I set the resonance with an antenna analyser when it was just a couple of metres from the ground to a point very low down in the CW section of each band, and then checked again when it was at 45 feet, and as expected, the resonant frequency had moved between 100 and 150 Khz higher, which is fine for me as I mostly only do CW and Data modes ... 73 Joe 7Q7BP (G3MRC)
7S7V +++ Sweden +++ April 2004
Well known low power contester 7S7V puts a temporary Spiderbeam on this flat roof overlooking Malmoe for each contest:
... I'm very satisfied. It's light, very important to me because I use very light tower to put the antenna up. Good F/B on all bands, always better then 15dB. I found all the data about SWR/ F/B/ GAIN to be really true...
9H3MM +++ Gozo Island, Malta +++ May 2004
9H3MM in CQ WPX CW 2004 - new European Record with Spiderbeam & 100W
My first DXpedition using the new Spiderbeam Version 2 Design. Great QTH on a hill but also heavy storms up there. The rotator broke after 6hrs of contesting and the antenna crashed down from the 8m mast. After a quick shock I realized that it had survived without a single piece broken! 2 hours later 9H3MM was back on the air and of course very happy with the strength of the new fiberglass tubes. Reliability test passed, Record set 24 hours later, Mission accomplished...
CP/DF9GR +++ Bolivia +++ August 2004
Every year I visit my relatives in Bolivia for a few weeks. Until now I used a 6 Band Windom but as sunspots are declining I decided to bring a small spiderbeam for 15/12/10m. (4m Boom / 6m spreader carrying 15m dipole, 12m 2ele, 10m 3ele - further details in the Spiderbeam Yahoo-Group). In 11 days of activity I made roughly 1500 contacts (76% to Europe). 10m and 12m have been more or less dead, but within the short openenings I got quite good reports from Europe while the Windom wasn´t really able to help. Especially 15m was very important, as the Windom doesn´t work on that band.
CS7T +++ Portugal +++ November 2001
CS7T in CQWW CW 2001 - New European low power record SOAB Rig: ICOM IC-735, 100W Antennas: Spiderbeam on 20/15/10m & wire verticals on 40/80/160m Photo: viewing direction is towards USA
CT9D +++ Desertas / Madeira Island +++ Juli 2003
By Madeira Team: CT3BD, CT3DL, CT3EE, CT3EN, CT3IA, CT3KU, CT3KY and guest operators CT3IQ & DF4SA
7000 QSOs in CW, SSB, RTTY including RSGB IOTA Contest Max 3 Stations active, with 100W powered by solar cells, batteries and a small generator. antennas: Spiderbeam 10-40m, ECO Triband Beam 10-20m, Inv Vee Dipole, 6m 4 Ele Yagi
CU2Z +++ Sao Miguel, Azores Islands +++ November 2004
CQWW SSB 2004 Expedition by RWDCC - DH4JQ, DJ8VC, DL1EK, DL3EW, DL7AOS RIG: 1000W, 2 Spiderbeams, Verticals, Dipoles...
After scratching our heads a bit at first, we got the 2 Spiderbeams up and running. They withstood the strong winds (up to 90km/h) all the time and worked very well ... rates of over 300 QSO/h into North/South America and Caribbean made for a hectic contest experience ...
DK0RE +++ Germany +++ September 2003
... put up a Spiderbeam at 14m height ... plunged into the WAE SSB Contest ... could not believe how good Martin's 700W linear and the Spiderbeam worked together ... O-tone Martin: "I have never experienced something like this in my whole ham life". We put whole South America in the log. No Problem to reach Venezuela, Paraguay, Brasilia, Chile or whatever. Just one single call and we were in the log. Comments like **big Signal, Very good modulation and strong signal** are not normal in a Contest, but during this evening and night we heard them several times...
EA4BQ / OH0XX +++ Spain +++ November 2004
antenna tests at EA4BQ
EA8AZC +++ Canary Islands +++ February 2004
... put the Spiderbeam on a 12m mast last week. Because of missing space we could not pre-tune the antenna in 5m height as described in the manual, but it is resonant on all 3 bands ... the big moment came next morning when OM Olaf (DL7CX) did the first trial runs with the antenna. 10 stations from JA, 2 from ZL and one VK between 08:00 and 8:30 UTC with 5/9 or 5/9 + 20 dB reports. Olaf is an antenna wizard and spent the whole day testing the antenna thourougly with several stations worldwide. Late in the evening he concluded that the antenna is always at least 3 S-units above my B & W dipole ... So, we are very content with the antenna. I can also tell you that after Olaf left a sudden storm with gusts up to 10 Beaufort hit our QTH, and the antenna took it without problems.
F4ANJ +++ France +++ September 2004
It was done :-) !!! Two weeks ago we put the spider on a 10m tower (look photos). Incredible with your antenna - a lot of qso ...Am using 100-300W on SSB and getting very good reports. Last few days I contacted S9SS/Sao Thome (RS 57) XW1FAN/Laos (real 59 report), ZK1USA/Cook Isl. (RS 57), ZL2KOT/New Zealand (real RS 59), ZK3DX/Tokelau Isl. (real RS 58 on 20m) - wow that is 16000km. I can't believe it !! Because on my vertical I didn't even hear many of those stations, or they were approx. 52 in the noise... It's a miraculous antenna. 73 Jerome, F4ANJ
F6EAO/P +++ France +++ 2013
Base-Rotated Portable Spiderbeam at F6EOA/P
FO/OH6KN +++ Austral Islands (French Polynesia) +++ March 2004
... we built 2 spiderbeams for 20-15-10 and 17-12m. Brought both to Austral islands/Tubuai 6.1.2004 look picture ! Antennas were abt 10 meter above ground and abt 50 meter to sea. Antennas were fixed north all time & worked very well! (operators: OH1RX, OH3JR, OH6KN and OH9MDV).
G3SHF/p +++ England +++ October 2002
G3SHF & the Stockport Radio Society built the first spiderbeam copy, following the construction manual
... 2002 Jamboree-on-the-Air report using new spiderbeam ... On air results were great! ... On Friday I made a test call on 20m and were called by SM0 and immediately afterwards by a VK6. Over the weekend we used the antenna on all modes to good effect. We worked into VE7 and again into VK6 with RS 58 report. (We only used 100 watts power output on SSB) Towards the end of the event yesterday we had to stop an EU pile-up we had running on 20m while the DL contest was taking place around us. ... We are very very pleased with the antenna and will be using it again this coming Saturday in the CQWW SSB contest
HB0PC +++ Liechtenstein +++ November 2004
Spiderbeam picture with the Alps mountains in the background Put the mast and antenna up on saturday, finished at dawn with the antenna mounted in 10m height. Checked the SWR on Sunday morning, all bands immediately below 1:2 - super. On the afternoon the bands opened up. Brasil RS 59, Columbia RS59+, etc ... these are reports I could only dream of so far with my 40m longwire (running in direction East-West Richtung). On average, the reports were about 5 S-units higher on the beam! Nice antenna, congratulations & 73, Walter HB0PC
HB9ABX +++ Switzerland September +++ 2003
... the signal reports received from 1000 to 5000 km were always very strong, and compared to other local stations, which also operated with 3 element beams, always in favor of the Spiderbeam! I was told to have the stongest signal on the band at that moment. Contacts to South America and Japan gave real S9 reports, unfortunately no local station was QRV to obtain a comparative report. My transmit power was 100 W PEP. The F/B ratio on large distance was mostly 3 to 4 S points (= 18 to 24 db), in some cases up to 40 db were reported. (Measured by transmitting a constant carrier and signal report from other station)
IZ5DIY +++ Italy +++ August 2004
Tuesday) ... finished building the 5-band Spiderbeam kit ... needed only minor adjustment for SWR and everything went OK at first time. Now disassembled all & am going for a portable test on Sunday. I am happy with the antenna and it looks beautiful when up in the air!
(Sunday) ... a pleasure to use Spiderbeam again, in wonderful WX (see picture). Me and Paolo IK5VLO put up the antenna in about 1 hour, from my car to the top of the mast. We used an FT100D with 70W. Antenna was not so high, my mast is very thin ... a 7P8 replied at first CW call while many stations called him. We were lucky, I admit, but antenna really did its job! A TG9 gave us 57 in SSB, and many more stations from W/VE ... 73, Silvio IZ5DIY
KX7M +++ California, USA +++ October 2004
CQP2004 County Expedition as KX7M/6 Southeast View from my hilltop location, viewn from Fire Lookout. On the left is the dry Honey Lake, and on the bottom of this range of hills is the Plumas-Lassen county line. On the right the Spiderbeam on a 30ft pole. This year I operated CQP with 100W, and had almost 1500 QSOs, including 50 EU stations. I was positively surprised with the combination of a nice hilltop location and Spiderbeam, being loud on the East coast, and even to work 35 EU's on 15m in this Sunspot decline years, from the West coast. 73, Denny KX7M
LA/DL5ME +++ Tromoy Island, Norway +++ August 2004
DXpedition to Tromoy Island (EU-061) by DG3HWO and DL5ME. RIG: 600W, Spiderbeam and 40/30m vertical
... converted our 20-15-10m Spiderbeam into the 20-17-15m Version (manual chapter 4.3) ... did most of the conversion work on the island, no time before ... oh yes the beam worked very well ... surprised how many DX stations called (see attached logbook), remember its summer propagation! ... stations from Tokyo with simple dipole or vertical antennas consistently reported "loudest station from Europe" with 59 and 59+ reports.
MJ/ON6NB+++ Isle of Jersey +++ 2013
Belgium expedition to the Isle of Jersey in May of 2013.
MJ0ICD +++ ISLE OF JERSEY +++ 2014
Expedition to Jersey for the 2014 IOTA Contest
OE6JAD +++ Austria +++ August 2003
Austrian QRP fieldday 2003
... attached is a picture of my spiderbeam taken at our QRP Fieldday on August 3rd, 2003. The antenna was a real success and gave outstanding results... 73, Hans OE6JAD
OH0EC +++ Aaland Islands, Finland +++ June 2004
OH0EC in CQ WPX CW 2004 one-man DXpedition by DL1EKC
OH4JK +++ Finland +++ July 2003
... I've been testing Spiderbeam about a month and it really is a performer. It definitely works better than my trapped tribander yagi. 73, Juha OH4JK
(... a little bit later OH4JK became the first one to build a WARC spiderbeam...)
OK1CJN +++ Czech Republic +++ April 2004
... assembled your spiderbeam in my 2nd QTH successfully first on open meadow space in November 2003 and tested it. Then put it on "real mast" between country houses. When raised up, it is about 12.5 m high and works really well! The raising procedure is a bit "special" with my installation, as it involves assembling and raising in interleaved steps (the antenna cannot be assembled fully on the ground, because of very limited space available between the houses) ... 73, Jiri OK1CJN
OK1DWC +++ South Cook Islands, Rarotonga Island, OC - 013+++ 201
5B Spiderbeam with aluminium Telescopic Mast 10m
OY/DL2RMC +++ Faroe Islands +++ September 2004
Faroe Island DXpedition by DL2RMC and DL1RTL. RIG: 600W, Spiderbeam, Verticals, Dipoles
... used a Spiderbeam "Version 1" on our trip. The old version plays UFB too, after we spaced the driven element feedpoints somewhat more. In the meantime I have assembled the antenna several times in this configuration, always with the same good results regarding SWR and directivity. In OY we made approx 7000 QSOs in 9 days. As a comparison we had a multiband dipole and a vertical. The Spiderbeam definitely outperformed both of them, especially for DX QSOs. Also it survived a Storm in 10m height quite well and I am still impressed with the antenna
OZ0AIS +++ Hjelm Island, Denmark +++ August 2003
2003 Expedition to Hjelm Island IOTA EU-172 by DJ2KS, DJ5KP & DL6KAC.
PA3CW +++ The Nederlands +++ January 2006
... have just adjusted the beam and put it on its 10 meter aluminium mast ... just worked ZK1KAT through the pileup on 15 with 100 Watts. He didn't believe the callsign at first hi... I could not hear the station either on my DX loop (4 x 40m loop skywire at 33 ft) nor on the 40 meters vertical, and he was S5 on the beam. Got very good reports from JA on 15 as well, always minimum 2 S-units louder than the loop, same with K6 on 20 compared to my 1 ele delta loop.... Comparing with the loop, the beam is always 1-2 S-units louder, for DX sometimes 4 S-units louder. I can't believe it. (PA0R, August 2003)
RX1AP +++ St. Peterburg, European Russia +++ November 2004
Dear Con, ... a month passed since I installed and use your Spiderbeam antenna. It works perfect in comparison with my vertical multiband antenna which you can see on the picture. All results described in your articles have been confirmed once more! Many thanks for your good antenna publication. 73! Anatoly, RX1AP
SM5CJW +++ Sweden +++ December 2004
Can you spot the antenna? I pleased my neighbours by painting the spiderbeam in white, so it nearly dissapears against the sky. The mast is a 7,2 m long 50/46 mm galvanized steel antenna tube. It is brown below the roof and white above the roof, also nearly invisible. After some minor adjustments my 5 band Spiderbeam was ready to go. I must say it is a really amazing antenna. So big and so light ... if I compare it, 10 m up, with my old dipole, 6 m up, I often hear DX-stations clear with the Spiderbeam when they are below the noise floor of the dipole ... it has really given my KX1 (with 1 - 2W out) a good chance to a lot of DX. In the CQWW contest I got answers from most of the stations I called (many of them in USA and Siberia). The spiderbeam is really performing very well. It has also survived the first snowstorm. My amazed neighbours say it looks OK. 73, Bo SM5CJW
SP7EAA +++ Poland +++ September 2004
TA2ZF +++ Turkey +++ June 2003
UA9CLB / UA9CDC / YM2ZF: pleased to be able to report good news ... were testing your antenna during WPX CW in Turkey when doing Multi-OP (YM2ZF) together with Sergey, TA2ZF. Came back home very unhappy with everything but antenna. Managed to compare spider with the commercial 5 el tribander that Sergey has and spider outperformed that log-periodic commercial by at least 2 s units...
attached picture: spiderbeam used at YM2ZF including 40m 2ele (spreaders are extended to 8m length)
TI8JLH +++ Costa Rica +++ September 2004
TS7N +++ Tunisia +++ December 2003
CQWW CW 2003 Multi/2 Expedition - Second place worldwide in CQWWCW 2003 Contest, using 2 Spiderbeams
...many thanks again for your help with the two Spiderbeams, which gave us really great results at TS7N. The antenna is ideal for expeditions because it is so easy to transport and can be turned with small rotators. We used 2 little TV rotators. One Spiderbeam stayed in Tunisia. It will be put up in Monastir at 3V8SQ. On our way back home we visited their QTH and found a nice place for the beam. 73, Andy DJ7IK
TX8CW +++ NEW CALEDONIA +++ 2012
Op: Jacky, ZL3CW (F2CW)
TX9 +++ Chesterfield Island (New Caledonia) +++ October 2004
DXpedition to Chesterfield Island by DJ8NK, DJ9ON, DJ9RR, DK9KX, DL3KDV, DL5NAM and DL6JGN
RIG: 1000W, LP5, Spiderbeam, Verticals ... have just returned from our TX9 Trip, attached pls find some pictures for your collection :-) .. The red/white plastic bands attached to the beam where intended scare the birds away, although to no great avail... The spiderbeam yielded very good results for us and we can only recommend it to others! 73, Jan DJ8NK
UA9BA/p +++ Ural Contest Group - near Chelyabinsk (Asiatic Russi
Ural Contest Group (UCG) is doing a local competition in WRTC style, each year during IARU CW Fieldday. This is where they set up 25 exactly similar stations (Spiderbeam, 100W) in one really BIG fieldday to set a level playing field and compare results against each other.
...just worked in WAE SOAB LP from UA9 with spider beam and added 2 el 40 meters. I seem to have managed to set new Asian LP record from here - without going to 5B4... :-) ... Great to be able to operate from the country site (very quiet), heard most everyone who called - see 3830 reflector for details. (UA9CDC, August 2003)
UT4EK +++ Ukraine +++ November 2004
... tried to build the antenna myself for permanent installation according to my local conditions, with the material I had available... I had a 7m high mast on the top of our 9-story building, and 5m long wooden bars (40x40mm). I optimized the antenna for my local conditions with MMANA and decided to feed every driven element via gamma-match, relay box and common cable to my shack. Yes, of course, with the wooden bars, it is not a lightweight antenna so it needs strong guy lines at two levels. Gain and F/B parameters are nearly like in MMANA, only 20m is a bit worse. My antenna you can see on the photo. No problems so far! ... 73 Alex, UT4EK.
V73KJ +++ Marshall Islands +++ March 2005
DXpedition by V73HE/JA1HEE, V73JY/JA1JQY, V73OP/JI1FPO and V73KJ/JA1KJW RIG: FT840, FT850, K2/100, Antennas: 1.8-10 Dipoles, 14/18/21 Spiderbeam, 21/24/28 Hexbeam
... the Spiderbeam (built by JA1KJW) worked fine and the received signals were always stronger than on the other antennas! ... enjoyed the pile-ups very much ... had some strong winds and guy lines were of course necessary but all antennas stayed up. 73 Sasi JA1KJW (Sasi also translated the construction guide to Japanese language - Arrigato!)
VK2MB/p +++ Australia +++ August 2003
Barrenjoey lighthouse activation
... my new spiderbeam passed its first test in VK - super performance! We activated Barrenjoey Lighthouse last weekend with our ham club VK2MB. Everybody was thrilled, especially by the excellent F/B ratio! 73, Ben VK2IA
XT26DJ - XT2FCJ+++ Burkina Faso+++ November 2013
CQWW DX CW Contest Expedition to Burkina Faso.
ZD7T +++ St. Helena Island, Southern Atlantic Ocean +++ October
DXpedition to St. Helena Island by DL9GFB, DL7UVO and DL3NRV. RIG: 100W, Butternut vertical, longwire, Spiderbeam ('low-sunspot-version' 20/17/15m)
... many thanks for designing this nice piece of antenna technics ... have returned yesterday after 6 days operating as ZD7F, ZD7J and ZD7T ... bands opened earlier and stayed open longer than with our other antennas ... incredible pile-ups with only 100w ... over 12500 QSO speak for themselves ... 73 Joerg DL3NRV